Why Do the Dazzle?

Harness the power of the HERD to increase the power of HEARD!

Did you know that a herd of zebras is called a Dazzle? Yes, they are also called a herd and a zeal, but the cooler name is a Dazzle!  It’s thought that zebras use their stripes as camouflage when they are gathered together in a large group to confuse predators, and this phenomenon is called motion dazzle.  This makes it harder to pick out individual zebras as prey.

Go ahead and Google that…we’ll wait. Glad you are back because we have more to share.

So now we know that when zebras are in motion they dazzle, and this motion dazzle effect is critical to their survival from predators. Standing still and alone, they are more vulnerable but a herd in motion can zig and zag and confuse their predators…motion is their secret weapon.  It makes the herd stronger.

We created Zebras in Motion because we want to make movement tribal and harness that zebra power to create motion for education and awareness.  We want our herd to dazzle and increase the power of HEARD. 

In the world of wellness there is an old adage that says MOTION is LOTION. This is an easy way to remember that movement helps with pain and healing – any painful condition can benefit from the right kind of movement. For our family MOTION is not just lotion, it’s also a healing ointment for our hearts.  Zebras In Motion has become a way that we can heal as a family after our loss, and help others who need support. 

Our charity, the Amyloidosis Foundation, uses the zebra as the symbol for rare diseases like Amyloidosis, but we are all about the magic of the DAZZLE because we want you to come together and get in motion with us.

Motion means movement and movement means action – action is healing.  The Zebra Dazzle 5K will create action to raise money for research and increase awareness for Amyloidosis.  Join us on September 14 for our 5th Annual Zebra Dazzle 5K Walk/Run for the Amyloidosis Foundation.

Together we will Harness the power of the HERD to increase the power of HEARD because hearing will save lives